"About Us"
IMA South Africa has been around since the 1980's and is a national organization with branches in various parts of the country. As Muslim medical and health professionals we are committed to the values expressed by the Hippocratic Oath (click here (Link) (See “muslim_oath” in Downloads folder) to view the Oath) and believe that it is our responsibility to serve the community.
IMA South Africa not only provides health and medical care to those who cannot afford it but they serve as a representative body of Muslim Doctors and allied health professionals at various levels. They are committed to bringing about change through constant interaction. Our membership consists of over 1500 medical and allied health professionals.
The Beginning
The Islamic Medical Association of South Africa has humble beginnings in one of Natal's rural areas, where it provided medical care to the underprivileged during the apartheid regime.
The organisation has since grown in leaps and bounds and now caters for the underprivileged via its 4 primary health care clinics one of which is a mobile clinic, its fully fledged renal dialysis unit, weekly male circumcisions, cataract extraction and ophthalmic laser projects to mention but a few. The IMA caters for the medical needs of almost 70 000 patients a year.
History & Background
The IMA is a body of Muslim healthcare professionals, formed in the 1980's for the sole purpose of practicing medicine within the rules of the shariah and providing healthcare to the underprovided and needy in South Africa. The organisation initially provided healthcare services to the forgotten communities during the apartheid era. Today they continue to provide healthcare services to the underprivileged, specifically in rural areas where public healthcare services are still non-existent.
The organisation was established by a group of young doctors who realised that healthcare to the underprivileged was compromised and of inferior quality. The precursor of the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMASA), called Lajnatul Attiba (The Doctor's Committee) was formed in July 1974. These were humble beginnings with meetings being held at the homes of handful of members.
The Lajnatul Attiba was transformed into the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa in 1979. The membership grew to from a handful in 1979 to over 1000 healthcare professionals today.
National Executive Committee 2016 & 2017
- President: Solly Suleman
+27 83 786 1119 - Vice President: Ebrahim GM Hoosen
+27 82 756 8810 - Secretary: Mahomed Imraan Khan
+27 82 803 8786 - Assistant Secretary: Mahomed Raiman
+27 82 940 7846 - Treasurer: Mahomed Ebrahim Mayet
+27 83 786 0896 - Assistant Treasurer: Ebrahim Khan
+27 82 359 3841
National Office based in KZN for the next 2 years - contact Shirin Cassim: 031 207 2250 / imakzn@eastcoast.co.za / kzn@ima-sa.co.za
Marketing queries directed to Khashiefa Martin - 084 701 3208 / 011 837 6717 / imasamarketing@gmail.com
The IMA Brand
To learn more about the IMA Brand, click here.