After World Muslim Health Societies Congress, World Islamic Health Union Council convened at 14.30 on December 4,2016. The following decisions have been taken.
1) The council members are the region's responsible behalf of union . Members of that area are responsible for coordinating the activities of all NGOs, membership applicants, and ensuring that the members act appropriately.
In certain periods they organize regional meetings in that region in the name of the Union. They participate and represent in government and NGO meetings, organizations and on behalf of the Union and the Secretary General.
The same duties and responsibilities as the Reserve Council Members shall be exercised and represented in the capacity of the Vice President of the Union.
2) Regions other than America, Europe and headquarter country will be determined by the Council and announced later.
3) 4 Assistant Secretary General elected. Duty allocation was done.
- Communication, Media, Human Resources- Dr. ABDELLATIF MOUNADIL FASLI, MD
- Organizations and Social Affairs ; Dr. ZAHRA ALI, MD
- Assistances and institutions ; Dr. MEVLİT YURTSEVEN, MD
- Science, Statistics and Education ; Dr. BABIKIR ISMAIL AHMED, MD
The General Secretary Assistants will form a commission from union members and volunteers involved in the field in which they are responsible.
4) Permanent committees will be formed from the commissions in the congress. Commission decisions taken at the congress will be published.
5) We will open a member campaign for the union
6) New membership conditions have been set. NGO to become a member;
- Managers must be Muslim.
- The NGO should be in the field of health or should be in the field of health activity in its bylaw.
- At least one existing member NGO, must proposal.
7) Membership certificate will be given to members.
8) Member Civil Society Organizations will give annual dues of $ 100.
9) Members participating in the congress will complete the founding membership / membership application documents as soon as possible.
- a) Bottom of all pages of the bylaw of Union will be signed.
- b) Approved bylaw of own foundations/association
- c) The following should be written in the decision books:
It has been decided to become a founding member / member of the World Islamic Health Union.
…………( Authorized person) has been authorized for this subject. ( A certified copy of the decision)
The World Islamic Health Union Bylaw will sign the by authorized person.
10) Each member NGO should do at least one project per year.
11) The Secretary General's assistants and the Council members will be given documents of competence.
12) Whatsapp group will be installed.
13) Website: to be used.
14) Google mail group will establish.
15)MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) will establish. (Lubna Abdelrahman will give information.
16)Participants in the congress were given accession certificates. Those who do not receive the document will be resubmitted in case of their application.
17) We will share the demands of the countries that need urgent assistance on our website. Duty of the union is that inform charitable people and NGO about needs and providing needs.
18) Our member NGOs will share own countries statistics with union statistics branch Office. (Dr. Babikir İsmail Ahmad,U.K.)
19) Students from advanced countries in medicine education will be brought to other countries for undergraduate and specialization education. The NGO sending student will inform to union-NGO of the country. Students will be provided scholarships and housing. Spiritual education will continue.
20) From other countries patients will be brought to advanced countries about treatment and hospital equipment : Our member NGOs can provide the costs of needy patients
21) We will organize meetings and events that our countries need. At these events, we will use the logo of the World Islamic Health Union alongside our own NGO logos. We will publish in the media.
22) The second WIHU council meeting will be held in Ankara in April.